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Process Manager

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The Process Manager is the core service of Network Locator tasked with receiving and processing location requests. It will carry out several key functions, including, but not limited to, the following major steps:

Create PDF map documents for each configured branch.

Create Dynamic Supporting Documents

Assemble the final ZIP artifact, which includes:

oStatic documents

oDynamic documents

oMap files as PDF

Send E-Mails

Archive the request

The configuration is managed through a JSON Text Editor, which supports schema validation. This means that if you enter an invalid JSON structure, the editor will warn you and prevent you from saving the file until the error is fixed. This ensures that invalid configurations, which could cause services to malfunction, are never stored to the server.

The configuration is organized into various thematic aspects, which are explained in the following sections grouped by topic.

General Settings

Client Settings

Print Output Settings

Process Manager Settings

Sample Config








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