There are some settings that influence behavior on the Network Locator Web App.
Setting |
Type |
Description | |
String [Required] |
A list of purposes that should be shown in the Web Client Request Form | |
String [Required] |
A list of scales that should be shown in the Web Client Request Form | |
String [Required] |
A URL linking to a document or page that outlines the terms and conditions for using the system is provided. In the web client, users can proceed only after checking a box to indicate their acceptance of these terms and conditions. |
"client-config": {
"purposes": "Akquise,Planung Tiefbau,Planung Hochbau,Planung allgemein,Durchführung Tiefbau,Durchführung Hochbau,behördliche Auskunft,Störungsbeseitigung,Überarbeitung",
"scales": "250,500,1000",
"terms-and-conditions": ""