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Navigation: Buildings > Real Estates

Add, Edit, or Delete a Real Estate

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In VertiGIS FM Buildings, real estates are added to the system, edited, or deleted from the system on the VertiGIS FM Buildings search page. To view properties, you must ensure Real Estates is selected under Objects.


Real Estates on Buildings Search Page

The search page is accessed by expanding Buildings in the left pane and selecting Search.


Link to Search Page in the Left Pane

Add a Real Estate

Real Estates are added on the VertiGIS FM Buildings search page.

To Add a Real Estate

1.From any page in VertiGIS FM, expand Building in the left pane and click Search.

2.Under Objects, click Real Estate.

3.In the Real Estates section, click the Add (icon-add) icon.

4.In the form that opens, enter a Name for the real estate.

5.Optionally, fill out the rest of the fields with relevant real estate information. Expand the Basic data, CAD options, Development, Peculiarities, and Areal Balance tabs to view hidden fields. Refer to real estate details for more information.


Street address information is used to indicate the real estate's location on the map.

6.Click Save and Close.

The new property is now included in the Real Estates section on the search page.


New Property Shown in the Real Estates Table

Edit a Real Estate

Properties can be edited from the  VertiGIS FM Buildings search page.

To Edit a Real Estate

1.From any page in VertiGIS FM, expand Building in the left pane and click Search.

2.In the Real Estates section, select the real estate you want to edit and click the Edit (icon-edit) icon.


3.Edit the real estate details as required.

4.Click Save and Close.

Delete a Property

You can delete a real estate from the system on the VertiGIS FM Buildings search page.

To Delete a Real Estate

1.From any page in VertiGIS FM, expand Building in the left pane and click Search.

2.In the Real Estates section, select the real estate you want to delete and click the Delete (icon-delete) icon.


3.Click OK.

You cannot delete a real estate from the database if it has buildings on it.

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