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Navigation: Deployments

Manage Old Deployments

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vsm_Bt_Legacy The Legacy area displays deployments that were created with older Solution Manager-Versions.

The following actions are available via the action menu VN_Bt_ThreeDots :

VSM_Bt_Info Details - the used Solution Manager-Version can be displayed

VSM_Bt_Upgrade Upgrade - bring this deployment to a current Solution Manager version (after that it will be displayed on the deployment page)

VSM_Bt_Delete_grau Remove - the deployment can be permanently deleted by the creator

The upgrade function simply upgrades the deployment to the latest Solution Manager version but not to a current VertiGIS Web Solution version (e.g. Network Editor / Explorer / Simulator).
Therefore, it is recommended to delete an older deployment and to replace it with the corresponding current Web Solution based on the current Solution Manager-Version.


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