For the operation of the Network Simulator the following software components and their requirements are needed:
Refer to the VertiGIS Studio Web documentation.
ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3
PostgreSQL 15.5 (64 bit) - PostGIS 3.4
PostgreSQL 14.10 (64 bit) - PostGIS 3.4
PostgreSQL 13.13 (64 bit) - PostGIS 3.4
Microsoft SQL Server 2022 (64 bit), Microsoft SQL Server 2022 on Linux (64 bit)
Microsoft SQL Server 2019 (64 bit), Microsoft SQL Server 2019 on Linux (64 bit)
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (64 bit), Microsoft SQL Server 2017 on Linux (64 bit)
Oracle 19c (64 bit)
VertiGIS Studio Web 5.34
VertiGIS Studio Printing (optional)
VertiGIS Studio Reporting (optional)
The VertiGIS Solution Manager is the installation requirement for every VertiGIS Solution.