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Navigation: Release Notes

Known Limitations

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The following limitations are known in this version:


VertiGIS Studio Printing does not currently support subtype group layers. If a use case involves printing, a web map without a subtype group layer should be used.


When creating network elements, the rules for the utility network (UN) are loaded for snapping. It is not yet possible to catch non-network elements at the same time. As a temporary workaround, the rules for the utility network can be turned off and on via a switch during capture, e.g.,when creating a network feature that is to be snapped to a construction point.

No snapping for newly created Assets is possible at this time. As a workaround, zoom in or out to refresh the map first.

Z-values in the coordinate system

The current version of the Network Simulator has a known limitation in connection with the processing of 3D data. The Z values of vertices are determined by the Network Simulator are not explicitly set and therefore assume the default value of the Esri Feature Service (see Esri article: Configuring default Z values for editable feature services).

If your data uses a non-zero constant Z value, make sure that the setting in the feature service matches this value. We are working diligently on a solution that will be included in the next version of Network Simulator.


Editing versioned data currently requires that exactly one single feature service that is referenced in the WebMap.

Currently Network Simulator offers no support for app templates that contain multiple map elements.

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Documentation Version 1.7