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Navigation: Domain Network > FeatureClass: Junction > Junctions Overview

FittingElement [200]

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Pipe connections (FittingElement) are components that are used to connect pipes and pipe sections to other objects.

The fittings can be welded or threaded, mechanically joined or chemically bonded. The type of connection depends on the material of the pipes to be connected.

Steel pipes in the area of high-pressure pipelines in gas are usually welded. These weld seams are also collected in the Fittings as Sleeves.
As a rule, the pipes have connecting systems (sleeves) which depend on the material used.

Further information can be found in (Horlacher & Helbig, 2016)/(Horlacher & Helbig, 2018) (in German) and the Manufacturers.


Click to extend!Sleeve [202]
Click to extend!Reduction [204]
Click to extend!Tee [205]
Click to extend!CrossTee [206]
Click to extend!Saddle [208]

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