Navigation: Structural Network > FeatureClass: StructureLine > StructureLine Overview (lines)
OverheadSupportLine [450]
Vertical structure (support)
The vertical structure transmits forces vertically to one or more foundations.
Cross member / Traverse
Is the horizontal support element for the insulators/conductors. Also forms the traverse/crossbeam (yoke) on portal towers.
Strut to support change of direction
Brace (compressive forces)
Struts are used to support masts or brace them to other masts (usually cross struts). The anchoring in the ground is done with foundations or rockbolts.
Terminal tower with guy wire
Tension system (tensile forces)
Tower guy wire, Illumination tension system, Illumination support structure
Guy wires are used to secure the mast/tower when changing direction or at the end of the overhead line.