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We are excited to announce the release of VertiGIS Network Pro 2.0, based on Studio Desktop for ArcGIS Pro 1.8, adapted for and requiring ArcGIS Pro 3.3. This update brings a wealth of new functionalities, improvements, and optimizations.

A key focus of this release has been the productification of Network Pro, transforming it into a standard VertiGIS Networks product for desktop use. This means we have refined and standardized the functionalities to ensure a consistent, high-quality experience across the features.

Network Pro – New Functionality Summary

Cross Sections

Creating and editing Cross Sections: Introduced a tool for creating and editing cross sections within the network.

Print-ready Cross Sections on demand with Print Mode: Allows users to print cross sections directly.

Optional direction indication arrows for better Cross-Section interpretation: Adds direction indication arrows to aid in the interpretation of cross sections.

Optional legend visualization in map for better Cross-Section interpretation: Provides an option to visualize legends on the map for cross sections.

Visual feedback for Cross-Section rendering in map: Enhances the Cross-Section dockpane with visual feedback for cross-section rendering.

Guide-line snapping in the map to closest lower corner of Cross-Section: Improves guide-line snapping to the nearest lower corner of cross sections.

Asset Editing

Multiple floatable Attribute Tabs functionality added to Asset Editor: Adds multiple floatable attribute tabs to the Asset Editor for enhanced flexibility.

Integration of Web View in Attribute Form: Incorporates web view capabilities within the attribute form.

Improved docking, floating panel behavior, and navigation tool functionality: Enhances user experience with floating/docking panel behavior, and navigation tools in the Asset Editor.

Domain-aware pre-filtering for Split Point selection in the Line Split tool: Adds domain-aware pre-filtering for better selection in the Line Split tool.

Show ESRI Display Field value in the Identify Asset Tool: Displays the ESRI Display Field value in the Identify Asset Tool.

Enable 1:n Assignments as foreign key attribute in Asset Editor: Supports 1:n assignments as foreign key attributes.

Attribute display options added to burger menu: Adds attribute display options to the burger menu in various tools, including Asset Editor, Result List, Line Split, Line Merge, and Attribute Defaults.

Derived Map Editor

Derived Map Editor Introduction: The Derived Map Editor, accessible from the Network Pro ribbon in the Assets group, is now available for the editing and maintenance of derived maps.

Feature Source Management: This editor allows users to open a map that serves as a Feature Source. For any selected feature in this source map, a derived feature in the current active map can be managed and maintained.

Loading Selected Features: By selecting a proper source map and clicking the Load Selection button, users can evaluate feature selections. Derived and derivable features are displayed in a data grid, showing connections with the target map.

Grid with Connected Features: The lower side of the editor lists all selected features from the source map. Users can flash, zoom, and pan to features in both source and target maps, derive new features, and manage connections between source and target features.

Deriving Map Features: The tool resolves appropriate target geometries based on source geometries, supporting various types of geometric transformations.

Configuration of Foreign Key Assignments: Connections between source and target map features are managed through foreign key assignments defined in the VertiGIS Network Data Dictionary, ensuring robust and flexible data integration.

Result List

Asset List renamed to Result List: Renames Asset List to Result List for better clarity.

New functionalities: Exporting to Excel, Querying, Studio Reporting, and loading list elements to Bulk Editor and Attribute Delta Analyzer: Enhances the Result List with new functionalities.

Content aware predefined Queries: Introduces content-aware predefined queries in the Result List.

Line Split and Merge

Streamlined Line Split with compact view and post-split Asset Editor integration: Simplifies the Line Split tool with a compact view and integrates post-split operations with the Asset Editor.

Streamlined Line Merge with compact view and post-merge Asset Editor integration: Streamlines the Line Merge tool with a compact view and integrates post-merge operations with the Asset Editor.


Integrated feature visibility warning in Navigator dockpane for enhanced zoom usability: Adds feature visibility warnings to the Navigator dockpane to improve zoom usability.


Job Manager stability improvements: Improves the stability of the Job Manager.

Attribute Defaults available for Standalone Tables: Attribute Defaults from the Create Features pane are also available for Standalone Tables.

Network Pro ribbon optimization including modernized icons for better usability: Optimizes the Network Pro ribbon with modernized icons for improved usability.

New product name 'VertiGIS Network Pro X.X.X' in the installer window: Updates the product name in the installer window to 'VertiGIS Network Pro X.X.X.'

Planning Manager was removed from the product: Discontinues the Planning Manager from the product suite.

Studio Desktop for ArcGIS Pro – New Functionality Summary

Studio Reporting

Studio Reporting Manager for ArcGIS Pro: Introduces a dedicated Studio Reporting manager for ArcGIS Pro.

Studio Reporting Dockpane for reporting configuration and execution: Adds a dockpane for configuring and executing reports.

Context-aware Studio Reporting in Identify Tool and Result List: Enables context-aware reporting straight from the Identify Tool and Result List.

Studio Reporting History dockpane: Lists and opens all generated reports of the current ArcGIS Pro session.

Instant Studio Report generation with CTRL+Click and background execution with SHIFT+Click: Facilitates instant report generation with keyboard shortcuts.

Trigger Studio Reporting dockpane by Entry Points: Enables triggering of the reporting dockpane through entry points.

Streamlined Studio Reporting via Entry Point: Simplifies reporting with automated background execution and notification.

Studio Printing

Message tab in Studio Printing dockpane for enhanced Printing error handling: Introduces a message tab for better error handling in printing.

Studio Workflow

Streamlined Studio Reporting via Entry Point: Enhances reporting efficiency via entry points.

Toolkit for ArcGIS Pro

Attribute Delta Analyzer for attribute comparison: Provides a tool for comparing attributes of objects from single or multiple feature classes.

Boosted editing efficiency with the Bulk Editor: Improves efficiency with a bulk editor for multi-feature class updates.

Layer Presets Gallery for fast activations: Adds a gallery for quickly activating layer presets.

Automated VG Dimension and Construction Feature Class pre-configurator: Automates configuration of VG Dimension and Construction feature classes.

Multi-Dataset support and dynamic attribute based layering in Survey Data Import: Supports multiple datasets and attribute based layering in survey data import.

Shareable field mapping profiles for Survey Data Import: Allows sharing and re-using of field mapping profiles for data import.

Enhanced preview UX in Survey Data Import Tool: Improves the user experience for previews in the survey data import tool.

Save Capture Settings with Multi-Line Profiles: Enables saving of capture settings with multi-line profiles.

Persisting options and default distance value in the Multi Line Tool: Retains user options and default distance values.

Query Profile based search from Query Manager with results listed in the Result List: Implements query profile-based searching in the Query Manager with results listed in the Result List.

Export records to Excel from Result List: Adds the ability to export records to Excel directly from the Result List.

Entry Points triggering and object selection in map on Survey Data Import: Facilitates triggering of entry points and selection of imported objects in the map.

Query-based search dropdown for Result List: Introduces a dropdown for query-based searches in the Result List.

Unified portal filtering and performance enhancements: Improves performance and unifies portal filtering in Studio Desktop dockpanes.

Improved user guidance in Dimensioning Editor: Enhances user guidance in the Dimensioning Editor.

Possibility to open single or multiple Attribute Forms from the Result List: Allows opening of attribute forms for selected features from the Result List, including validation and floating/docking window functionality.



Published on: 9/4/2024

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Documentation Version 2.0.0