Network Locator automatically creates and maintains an archive of locate requests in its integrated database as part of the Kubernetes deployment. No additional action is required on your side.
If you also wish to access this archive using a standard Esri Client (for example, ArcGIS Pro), you can synchronize the default database with an Esri Feature Service.
To synchronize with an Esri Feature Service:
1.Create a Feature Service.
Ensure that the Feature Service adheres to the required schema.
2.Reference the Feature Service.
•In the Synchronization configuration, reference the newly created Feature Service.
The Feature Service must follow this schema.
Field Name |
Alias |
Data Type |
Allow Null |
Length |
request_id |
Request ID |
Text |
False |
256 |
create_date_time |
Create Date |
Date |
False |
start_date |
Start Date |
Date |
True |
end_date |
End Date |
Date |
True |
info |
Info |
Text |
True |
1024 |
print_scale |
Print Scale |
Double |
False |
print_template |
Print Template |
Text |
False |
256 |
user_email |
User Email |
Text |
False |
256 |
user_id |
User ID |
Text |
False |
256 |
build |
Build Version |
Text |
True |
256 |
result_file_id |
File Name |
Text |
False |
256 |
purpose |
Purpose |
Text |
False |
256 |
objectid |
Object ID |
False |
SHAPE__Length |
SHAPE__Length |
Double |
True |
SHAPE__Area |
SHAPE__Area |
Double |
True |
SYSTEM FIELDS (optional) |
globalid |
globalid |
Global ID |
False |
SYSTEM FIELDS for Editor Tracking (optional) |
created_user |
created_user |
Text |
True |
255 |
created_date |
created_date |
Date |
True |
last_edited_user |
last_edited_user |
Text |
True |
255 |
last_edited_date |
last_edited_date |
Date |
True |