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Report and Query Administration

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As an administrator, you can manage reports and queries at a high level in the Administration > Reports section of VertiGIS FM.


Reports Administration Section

There are two pages associated with the Reports and Queries administration section:

Report Definition: On this page, you can create report definitions for the different VertiGIS FM products and the different object types contained within them. They contain a file name, report types, file type, and output method. Users will select one of these report definitions when you generate a report.

Reports/Queries: On this page, you can specify which users and roles are allowed to generate reports and view queries. You can also set which reports and queries you want to be linked to in the Reports and Queries sections on the various VertiGIS FM start pages.

Reports are not generated in this section of the application. You can generate reports on the search page for the product associated with the report you want to generate. Refer to Generate Reports for more information.

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