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The catalog stores selectable settings and drop-down menu options that are used in workflows throughout VertiGIS FM. Often, form selections in VertiGIS FM determine which other form fields and selections are available to the user or enable other functionality in VertiGIS FM. These conditions are also managed in the Catalog section of VertiGIS FM administration.


For VertiGIS FM Maintenance, you can access the catalog by clicking Administration in the bottom-right corner and clicking Master Data > Catalog Management > Maintenance.

To edit the entries stored in a catalog, select the catalog and click the Edit (icon-edit) icon, or double-click the catalog.


Editing Entries in a Catalog

You can add new entries to a section by double-clicking a catalog and clicking the Add (icon-add) icon. You can edit an existing entry by selecting it and clicking the Edit (icon-edit) icon.


Add a Catalog Entry

You can edit any existing entry in the catalog by selecting it and clicking the Edit (icon-edit) icon. You can also click the Delete (icon-delete) icon to remove the selected catalog entry.


Edit or Delete Selected Catalog Entry

If you want to make any catalog entries unselectable in any menus without removing them from the catalog, you can double-click the entry and deselect the Active check box.


Active Check Box for Catalog Entry

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