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Service Desk Catalog

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The catalogs below are used to store selectable options for assets and features in the Service Desk. These catalogs can be accessed by clicking Administration > Master Data > Catalog Management > Service Desk.

Service Desk Catalog Sections



Quick response

This section stores the options that can be selected as a quick response when you add an Answer to a Service Desk ticket.

Ticket Template

The section stores templates that can be used to create consistent Service Desk tickets. Users opening a ticket can select an entry stored here to automatically fill several fields on the form to add a ticket, such as the TradeTypeOrganizationEmail toEditorTicket name, and Description.

Refer to Create a Ticket Template for more information.


This section stores the options that can be selected from Type drop-down menu when you are creating or editing a Service Desk ticket. This field is used to group service desk tickets by category. Examples could include Damage, Malfunctioning, Service Request, Requisition, or Traffic Accident.

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